Rice cooker – 25% less carbohydrates

One thought on “Rice cooker – 25% less carbohydrates”

  1. “Scientifically, (we already know this) washing rice 2-4 times prior to cooking helps in removing the starch. Cooking in loads of water (par boiling) to remove starch from rice is one method hence some people prefer the par-boil and steam method – you boil the rice to allow the starch to “drain/seep” from the rice into the cooking water, remove rice from the starchy water, then steam. Does your new cooker allow a boil and steam method? If yes, starch is reduced. How much? Ah you need a measuring tool for that (or litmus paper + chemical method?). Adding a little oil/fat in the cooking reduces absorption of starch by the body. Agree, cooling and re-heating is one way as it changes the “structure” of the starch to make it less absorbent by the body. Types of rice helps like the less starchy Basmati (80%) versus Thai Jasmine (85%) versus Long Grain (90-93%)

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