HeaBea Hiam Savoury BeeHive Cookies
Update comments and directions after Chinese New Year. Continue reading HeaBea Hiam Savoury BeeHive Cookies
Update comments and directions after Chinese New Year. Continue reading HeaBea Hiam Savoury BeeHive Cookies
So…….as of yesterday my blog was broken. The Theme I used no longer works. I now have to learn to use another new theme. Please bear with me. I will be spending the next few days learning the basics and reinstating my blog, my hobby. I hate changes really…… Continue reading 28th April 2023
It is with trepidation that I am putting my experiences to paper and posting this in my blog. This is because unscrupulous persons are already trying their best to sell me things ‘that will cure me of Covid19’. This is really annoying. I do not care for scams or people who want to make money … Continue reading My Covid19 experiences
Christmas 2020 – Oh what a year 2020 has been and that is saying it midly! I feel very emotional today. I was cooking and crying at certain points. I cannot gurantee that the pigs in blankets do not have an extra dose of salt. I am not sure if it’s the brandy or watching … Continue reading Christmas 2020 – cheers to absent family and friend.
Since losing the old blog I have worked hard to search the Internet Archive to copy and paste as many of my old recipes as I could. I have found as many as I can now. There are just no more to be found sadly. From today onward I will just have to cook those … Continue reading Status
My backup’s of the site were not valid so… Welcome to the NEW Just Julie. Recipe’s will be added back onto this site again during the coming year. Continue reading Starting from Scratch
Hope to be back soon. Continue reading Status Update