Flower rolls Huā Juǎn/花卷 with lap cheong – Special

Einstein said “Imagination is More Important Than Knowledge” For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” I have been thinking of making this flower rolls for eons. Last year my friend came to my house and noticed my spring … Continue reading Flower rolls Huā Juǎn/花卷 with lap cheong – Special

Kek Lapis Legit

This is a very rich cake. Read up about it from wiki here -> kek lapis Kek lapis Sarawak or Sarawak Layer Cake is what is known to me when I was growing up in Kuching. It is a cake normally reserved for serving during Chinese New Year for us Chinese. However I remembered being … Continue reading Kek Lapis Legit

Beehive Cookies

Beehive cookies or Honeycomb cookies or Phang Siew Kueh or Kuih Rose is normally eaten and served to visitors during Chinese New Year. It can be a bit difficult to make until you get the oil at the right temperature, the mould at the right temperature or else you will have trouble. However once you … Continue reading Beehive Cookies