I was ticking the boxes for post, definitely Asian, could be a main dish, could be a side dish and also could be a snack. Eggs are good but Onsen eggs are good good! Obviously it is onsen-styled eggs because they are not cooked in a hot spring in Japan! I have tried 5 times now and I have to say I much prefer a temperature of 63C for 50 minutes. This means when the eggs are cracked into hot broth is is just of the perfect custardy consistency, for me. Do adjust to your preferences.
Remember when you keep your eggs in the fridge they will set a bit more. If you want to warm up your onsen eggs but not into a hot broth then you can just boil the kettle, pour hot water into a mug, wait a couple of minute then take your eggs from fridge and place in. Do not cover. Then enjoy.
Below are some pics of how I have used my onsen-styled eggs.

I set a temperature of 63C for 50 minutes because when the alarm beeped; when I managed to drain the eggs without breaking any; add in cold water and ice, it takes a couple of minutes too. Set temperature and when right temperature, place in all your eggs and bring to temperature again before setting time to 50 minutes.

After you Sousvide your onsen styled eggs, place in the fridge and use at will. I like to turn the time to 50 minutes instead of an hour just so it is nice when warmed up during serving.